Sunday Worship
10 – 30am
January 5th No Service
January 12th Margaret White
January 19th Revd Josette Crane
January 26th Revd Peter Slee
Lord, send us the gift of peace
Watch over the people of
who have been forced to flee their homes
and face violence and fear.
Lord, send us the gift of peace
Lead them to a place of safety,
comfort those who grieve
and bring healing to those in pain.
Lord, send us the gift of peace.
Convert the hearts of those
who commit violence and wage war.
Turn them away from persecution towards peace.
Lord, send us the gift of peace.
Turn hatred to understanding,
and anger to compassion.
Through your love, transform horror into hope.
Lord, send us the gift of peace.
And fill us all with your Spirit
so that with one voice, throughout the world,
we may cry